“The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.”


I deeply think that knowing ourselves is one of the most difficult talk we have in this world. Most of the time, we understand and accept others more than ourselves. However, you are with yourself every second of your life. If you work with yourself, your mind can be your mentor and your body can be your strengh.

Every coaching is video friendly

Self-connection – Body & Mind program

The first appointment is about the situational analysis. We check different axis of your life and define your objectives together. Then, I make a plan for you according to your needs (nutrition guide, dates of coaching, coaching nature…).

The program lasts around 10 sessions (2 months).

Connect your voice

Your voice is a very powerful instrument. It enables people to talk, to tell a story, to sing, to express feelings. It is our best tool of communication. Beyond being a good vocalist, singing lessons will make you feel much better to talk in public. And moreover, it will be your time to free your mind and let your emotions go.

As an advanced singer, I can help you for your studio or your scene preparation.

Connect your feminity

Your body is your best ally. I know it is very hard to look in the mirror without judging what we see. Dance is the best way to lead you to see what is beautiful in you. For that, I prepare some exercices and choreos to learn how to highlight your attributes. By listening to the music, all you have to do is to let go.

Connect your body

Your body is a war machine. By connecting your mind and your body, you will discover how it works and how it can go further than what you think. This coaching will lead you to develop your flexibility and your strength. This is a mix between yoga, barre au sol and gymnastic. You always wanted to do the split, the wheel pose or the dancer pose, it is time!